"Watch Cat" with Golden Rod, Peruvian Daffodils, & Liatris May 1999
Our Front Garden
Begonias & Gryphon under bedroom window. June 1999
Front Garden from the driveway. Awesome Lillies! June 1999
Front Garden Details. June 1999
Peruvian Daffodils & Golden Rod
Golden lillies in front yard. June 1999
Our 7-ft Lillies. June 1999
Staking them is a challenge!
"Over-achieving plants Back Yard. June 1999
Corner of the front garden closest to the steps showing a favorite azalia &
my native Tiger Lillies, some miniature foxglove, and stone planter on Porch.
Spring 1997, BEFORE I "introduced" an innocent-looking plant to help
hide the ugly porch. The Tiger Lillies *were* magnificent that year ...
Steve, The Privet Killer, flirting with a high power line.
Antonellis Begonias Primo Bloom June 1999
Pink Picotee w/ overly large leaves
Antonelli Begonia Gardens Fountain Display
June 1999. Capitola Rd, Santa Cruz
Display Planters sold at Antonelli Bros.
Santa Cruz. June 1999
Display planters sold at Antonelli Brothers
Santa Cruz. June 1999
Garden Shop at Nursery NE of Sacremento, 1998. They carried many different
contemporary Japanese-type water-oriented stone vessels. Some of these were
combined in ways to make some peaceful fountain that can easily be changed
when boredom sets in. Their prices were not so simple, but these are things
you can find at most Landscape Shows for much less money.
A huge toad for Hannelore to transform
A somewhat smaller toad for Hannelore