Assorted Pictures that Lyn has recently scanned (her own photos, and others as well) that aren't yet categorized (fast)

All pictures are indexed reduced 3/8 or 3/16 in both dimensions.

Click on an image to see the full size, higher quality picture.

The (fast loading) versions are reduced to 3/16 x 3/16, and are of lower quality (jpeg 15%, the 3/8 x 3/8 are 25%, and the normal images are 75%) so that on a slow modem you can load the pages faster, although it's harder to see what an image looks like. Whichever one you choose, the image you get when you click on the displayed image will be the same large image.

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Miscellaneous pictures

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Nice Carving. Nut Tree 1989 (7KB/67KB)

Nice Carving. Nut Tree 1989

Such Creativity! Annual Show at the Nut Tree (7KB/67KB)

Such Creativity! Annual Show at the Nut Tree

Halloween Show at the Nut Tree 1989 (?) (6KB/64KB)

Halloween Show at the Nut Tree 1989 (?)

Stanford Engr. Dept. (7KB/65KB)

Stanford Engr. Dept. Sand Castle Competition 1990

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