Native American arts, crafts, etc. pictures that Lyn has recently scanned (her own photos, and others as well) (fast)

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Native American arts, crafts, etc.

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Willow & Bear Grass of the Ancients (4KB/59KB)

Willow & Bear Grass of the Ancients

Willow, Bear Grass & Feathers from the Grandmothers ... (6KB/68KB)

Willow, Bear Grass & Feathers from the Grandmothers ...

Pendleton-type backpacks. Indian Museum.Banff (11KB/45KB)

Pendleton-type backpacks. Indian Museum.Banff

Beaded bag at Indian Museum in Banff (11KB/52KB)

Beaded bag at Indian Museum in Banff

MiWuk Woodpecker Trap (willow); Tule Duck Decoy; Berry Basket (redbud culls); (21KB/192KB)

MiWuk Woodpecker Trap (willow); Tule Duck Decoy; Berry Basket (redbud culls); MiWuk Fish Trap (willow)

MiWuk Woodpecker Trap in progress, with clippers to show relative size (11KB/112KB)

MiWuk Woodpecker Trap in progress, with clippers to show relative size

California Indian Handgames Set; maple & elderberry. Made by (19KB/178KB)

California Indian Handgames Set; maple & elderberry. Made by Ranger John Mott from Henry Cowell State Park

MiWuk Hair Ornament. Turkey Feathers & Red Shafted Flicker. (17KB/151KB)

MiWuk Hair Ornament. Turkey Feathers & Red Shafted Flicker. Fran McTameny's collection; SF Bay Nat'l Wildlife Refuge, Alviso

Clam Shell and "Disk Beads" made from clam shell; Pump Drill, Sand (14KB/141KB) Aunt Mary's Exquisite Karok Baskets (7KB/33KB)
Clam Shell and "Disk Beads" made from clam shell; Pump Drill, Sand Stone rock for grinding down beads; abalone pendant & beeds Aunt Mary's Exquisite Karok Baskets
MiWuk necklace of pine nuts, freshwater clams, and beads (7KB/66KB)

MiWuk necklace of pine nuts, freshwater clams, and beads with an abalone pendant. Made by Jennifer Bates.

Owl Petroglyph from Columbia River Interpretive Center, (14KB/116KB)

Owl Petroglyph from Columbia River Interpretive Center, near Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, Washington Summer 1997

Local supply of good willow for Indian Basketry, *almost* lost to "flood control" (16KB/160KB) Stalking the wild Salix hindsiana in a major creek near Stanford. The small (16KB/120KB)
Local supply of good willow for Indian Basketry, *almost* lost to "flood control" Stalking the wild Salix hindsiana in a major creek near Stanford. The small "survivor" of local flood control efforts is the "desirable" species we are trying to save. (In front of friend, Steve.) Also known as "sandbar willow" or grey willow, & hard to find healthy specimens in S.F. Bay Area. The willow directly behind Steve is the "undesirable"/"junk" willow commonly known as Arroyo Willow.Out of view, just across the creek is a less-common "red willow" bush, Salix laevigata.
Lyn collecting Rabbit Bush flowers to be used as a dye for a Navajo Rug project (12KB/166KB) Traditional Ojibwe/Chippewa "Jingle Dress" jewelry. The "Choker" is made with (19KB/188KB)
Lyn collecting Rabbit Bush flowers to be used as a dye for a Navajo Rug project Lake Tahoe to Carson City Highway October Traditional Ojibwe/Chippewa "Jingle Dress" jewelry. The "Choker" is made with carved buffalo horn, old-style brass & glass beads. The "spacers" are leather; the ties are made from deer skin. Made to order $35-$50. The earrings are made with glass bugle beads, sterling silver beads, czech crystals, & miniature tin jingle cones. Deer hide brings it all together. Made to order $40.
California Indian Basketry Design (Northern) on a hand drum (7KB/92KB)

California Indian Basketry Design (Northern) on a hand drum

"Place the Earth on my back," the great turtle said, (6KB/54KB) Turtle ornament made from a gourd. Made by " MBS"  1999 (Mary Simmons?) (6KB/46KB)
"Place the Earth on my back," the great turtle said, & as they spread the tiny speck of earth it grew larger & larger & larger until it became the whole world. ... Then it was that the first plants grew & life on this new earth began. Turtle ornament made from a gourd. Made by " MBS" 1999 (Mary Simmons?)
Fancy Beaded Dream Catcher. Obtained at Stewart Indian School Reunion early 1990's (6KB/50KB)

Fancy Beaded Dream Catcher. Obtained at Stewart Indian School Reunion early 1990's

Dream Catcher made by an Ojibwe/Chippewa Indian. "Almost" Kosher style. Leather (7KB/68KB)

Dream Catcher made by an Ojibwe/Chippewa Indian. "Almost" Kosher style. Leather wrapped rim with sinew web. \003

Plain Dream Catcher. Leather-wrapped rim, sinew web, & turqoise beads. (4KB/31KB)

Plain Dream Catcher. Leather-wrapped rim, sinew web, & turqoise beads. Made by Kevin Dearborn Olson

"Kosher" style Dream Catcher -- Seven connecting points for the Seven Council (7KB/57KB)

"Kosher" style Dream Catcher -- Seven connecting points for the Seven Council Fires. (Eight points for Spider Woman is also "Kosher".) This lovely little Dream Catcher was purchased from some Navajo students at the Stanford PowWow mid 1990's.

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