Lyn's Pages

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Lyn's (and other's) photos
Spring 2000 Pictures of our Bengal kittens (now cats)

Family and friends at our family picnic for Kevin's high school graduation (June 1999)

graduation party (11/72K)

You can get a larger version of higher quality by clicking on this picture.

From left to right, with relationship to Kevin: Jean Olson (grandma), Eric Schieve (cousin, once removed; Dave's cousin), Hannah Pollock (cousin; Lyn's neice), Kevin (himself), Dave Olson (father), Ron Olson (grandpa), Noah Dearborn (cousin once removed, son of John Dearborn (not in picture)), Alan Dearborn (cousin; Lyn's nephew).

Picture taken by Lyn Dearborn (Kevin's mom).


Two of our six cats, an Ocicat/Bengal hybrid. This was when they were not too happy, waiting in the cat carrier to go to the vet. See Our cats for more pictures of these and other cats.